The Art of Running: Getting Started

Find it difficult to run? Do you want that cardio training but don’t give it a go because of the difficulties?


“Everyone who has run knows that its most important value is in removing tension and allowing a release from whatever other cares the day may bring.”-Jimmy Carter

“I always loved running…it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs.”-Jesse Owens

For me running has always been more symbolic than anything. I’ve always been used to working out and training; this for me was always a test to check my dedication. Running is something I didn’t have to do but by doing so, it gave me a satisfaction that I’m still serious and dedicated to my path. During my run I feel that sense of freedom, time to think about life, release of stress and mental preparation for the challenges ahead.

The feeling at the end of a run is a very unique one and always new every time. It is like your own little secret of a personal victory, celebrated by a tap on the back and a smile at the mirror before a nice hot shower.

Running still does wonders for me so for those that are running, please comment and share your feelings about running under the article. For those that aren’t yet, next are some tips to get people finding it difficult started. Please feel free to comment also with more questions, tips and about your progress.

Here are some tips to get started on running for all ages, sizes and fitness levels.


  • Skipping: This is one of the best ways to make steps towards running. Skipping moves your whole body and focuses on eye to hand coordination. Focus on rhythm and maintain that for as long as possible. Using the skipping rope and repeating this process will help you start running. Running is mostly mental and requires focus. The beat and control of the skipping rope will teach your mind how to stay focused and how to continue focus for as long as possible.
  • Clear sinuses: Being clogged up can affect breathing patterns and can get in the way of running. If this is a problem, clear sinuses before you run. Also products such as “Vicks” and “Tiger balm” that can be applied over the nose and chest for easier airflow. If you have any medical conditions such as asthma, consult your doctor and get information on how to proceed.
  • Interval Training: This is a great way to run and work out. Set a certain amount of running time and rest time which is power walking. Example: 2 minutes running, 1 minute power walking, then repeat process. This is great training as it gets the heart rate going and provides great variations and challenges as fitness levels improve. When you are feeling more confident you can modify this process by adding time onto your running and doing less power walking! Take your time, progress will come.
  • Create a lap: An important thing is to know our limits and not to get disheartened by long distances. Create a lap that you feel comfortable with and do sets of that lap. Example: 5 sets x 300 meter laps, with rests in between laps. That is still 1.5km once all is done… Not bad!
  • Recovery Period Breathing: During any recovery period, always chest up and hands on hips. Relax and breathe inhaling only through the nose and exhaling out of the mouth. Slow your heart rate down and recover, this may feel uncomfortable especially round the chest area when doing it properly. In most cases it’s the body getting used oxygen levels and recovery. The lungs are not used to being under pressure, so how you breath during and after your run is very important. Lungs also need training and by breathing correctly, you will be able to run for longer and push yourself to better running times. Again if you have any medical conditions such as asthma, consult doctor and get information on how to proceed with running.


As always thanks for reading, happy running everybody and I’ll leave you with this Irish Proverb!

“May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back.”
-Irish Proverb

Follow me on Twitter: @simillion12

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